Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This logo is designed for the Griffith Institute of Language, which is a language school as a department of the Griffith College. Different from the international students of Griffith College, in the language class, it is hard to find a second person who comes from the same country. This is a truly international atmosphere.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

why do i choose this course?

competitive tuition fee.. ...interesting with web design..

Further of Newspaper

This article is going to analysis further of the printing media and to compare with E-newspaper. The more development of the internet technology, the more challenge to the tradition news media. There are multiple opinions on the future of news. From printing news to web news to E-newspaper, new generations are using blogging and tweeting their thoughts a lot, people can almost find everything online, do the printing news paper id dead?
From the two research paper I read that it’s not hard to find the further of printing media. R Vij, Navin Kumar Soni Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS) DRDO, Delhi, India. And Gayas Makhdumi University Librarian & Head, DLIS. Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India. From their research of Future of Print Publications and Marketing Strategy for Desidoc Periodicals

What they found that the Print publishers have to face major challenges in order to reduce the cost to “green printing” methods and adapt to digital publicizing to maintain an important role in consumer marketing efforts.

Carina Ihlstrom, Maria Akesson and Stig Nordqvist from Halmstad University published From print to web to e-paper - the challenge of designing the e-newspaper. This paper presents future scenarios of use and design of the E-newspaper and the newspaper on E-paper. And found a great potential of this new media to be successful for newspaper publishing.

Digital media has so many advantages such as speed, permanence, searchability, the ability to update, and reduces the incremental cost of production and distribution of content to zero. But no everyone has a computer and surf on the internet, and Print is physical pictures that live outside a screen, the copy you can carry with you and leave behind. Now, it’s also clear that there’s going to be less print and the old pecking order of online being the handmaiden to print will be reversed. (Michael J) But you’ll be able to get your newspaper at any stores, It's apart of your life.


2.Carina Ihlstrom, Maria Akesson and Stig Nordqvi. From print to web to e-paper - the challenge of designing the e-newspaper. Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden

3.Michael Josefowicz, April 27, 2009. The Fallacy of the 'Print Is Dead' Meme

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


How to forget
Delete argues that digital memory has the capacity both to trap us in the past and to damage our trust in our own memories.When people discuss should all the information that we upload online been delete or should get control? They ignored the precious value of the information. Go back to the human history, the information that precursors left for us, it may be incomplete, maybe just a little piece, which are so important to us.

Wait for forgotten
Every file or piece of information recording how long we think the information should be preserved. Maybe I'd at least like the option of whether or not to keep it.
With some of the information was forgotten gradually, the world around them has become easier to understand, because we can refocus on important things. Forgetting has allowed us to forgive others. Reduction of the memory of past experiences allows germination of new memories, as if the leaves and shoots of the rotation. So forget the individual and the community a second chance to get rid of past mistakes and evil, and accept the fact that human beings with the times.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


When walking down the street, varies of typefaces have been used for many occasions draw your attentions with their magic. Every word I saw has become a single character after watching the film Helvetica. It was an interesting documentary film, which tell us how important of the fonts and how widely use of Helvetica. The power of the words is not only reflected in its writing content; the size, shape or colour of typeface brings different messages to express a mood, an atmosphere and a culture.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

Slow Internet Explorer

I am still using Internet Explorer 8 for my computer. Internet Explorer has made some advancement in the last few years that make it even more useful than it used to be. But somebody says that IE is slow, when I am using IE, the most effective factors to speed are bandwidth and the reliability of the broadband provider. I have been using wireless broadband both from Vodafone and O2, the explorer speed depends on the weather and the number of receivers from my area.    

Internet Explorer makes use of the accessibility framework provided in Windows. When I turn on my computer, I can see the big ‘E’ sign on my desktop is the internet explorer, which has been already installed in my system. It is convenient and supported by all websites. There are certain websites I use for online movies will not run on firefox. And the new version of IE has improved its disadvantages and features.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good Graphic Design

Graphic design always has a purpose that means the image should accomplish a particular goal for your company. That may mean driving sales, promoting a political agenda, educating, or whatever applies to your business model.

The image of The Dark Knight poster is clear and crisp, blue and orange as complementary colors are probably the most common selection for cinematography. Blue gels are consistently used for light night scenes can make audiences feel dark, cold and full of crimes, and orange is used for the color of explosion and highlight the logo of batman.

The shade of explosion is introduced in the logo of batman, it positions in the center top of the page, has a great contract with the blue color. The batman is standing still in the center of the page under the shade of big bat and the logo is repeated again in the center of the poster’s name down below. Fonts are easy to follow.

The focus of the photograph is clear, the message is powerful. When you are looking at the poster, your eyes are drawn through it in a way that provides you with relevant information instantly. The image of bat attracts your attention without being overwhelmed.

The key information is easy to find, and easy to read. Important items are larger, while less important details take up less space. The background buildings and each site of the road put emphasis position create distance. Everything is almost perfectly balanced.

The image would have spoken clearly and concisely about the batman is again standing in the middle of the night fighting to the bad